
Tokenomics for $AUM is determined by AUMDAO after emission.

Token Supply and Distribution

  • Total Supply: 10 billion for all MetaWealth RWAs.

  • Distribution Breakdown:

    • IDO: 500,000,000 (5%) will be set up in a liquidity pool for launch.

    • Web3 Growth: 400,000,000 (4%) This is split into two groups which fall under community and team. The community portion is for ecosystem airdrops and future community contributions. The team portion is meant to bolster our referral system.

    • Early Users: 150,000,000 (1.5%) This is reserved for those who have invested with MetaWealth since before the announcement of AUM Protocol.

    • Exchanges and Marketmakers: 200,000,000 (2%) is reserved to exchanges and MM's to facilitate a smoother trade experience.

    • Team: 950,000,000 (9.5%) with 0.5% unlocked at TGE followed by a 12-month cliff and 48 months of vesting

    • Staking Reserves: 1,400,000,000 (14%) will be locked into the staking contract and emitted only to those who stake their Asset Tokens.

    • Pre-Sale: 400,000,000 (4%) Presalers were reserved for early investors in MetaWealth and the vision of the AUM protocol.

    • Collateral Pool: 1,000,000,000 (10%) This pool is reserved for collateral lending before p2p lending options come out.

    • Future Onboarding Reserve: 5,000,000,000 (50%) This is meant to bolster the AUM ecosystem as more companies and protocols come on and integrate into it. As AUM powers the ecosystem, the need for more AUM arises.

Last updated